
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Todays Word of Blessing, September 12, 2017


The DhinakaransDearly beloved,

God by His grace has given us the great blessing to experience “holiness” in our life. It is an awesome gift from Him because the Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. But, do we really experience this kind of a holy life today? We do have shortcomings, presumptuous sins and bondages in our lives. We ought to confess all our sins with humility and the Lord will immediately cleanse us and give us a new life because the will of God is that we should all have holiness in our lives.

A young man grew up with the lust for money and material gain right from his early years. As years went by, he deceived and cheated people who simply trusted him and finally ended up as the leader of a gang of dacoits. His wife had greater lust for wealth and possessions, than him. She would put on the expensive jewellery he brought home, with great delight and if he came empty-handed on any particular day, she would rebuke him severely. One day, he came home with nothing in his hand but there was happiness and ecstasy in his face. He answered with great patience when his wife enquired him about what jewellery he had brought for her. He said, “Today, I got a priceless pearl and there is nothing that is compared with it.” She asked him, “Where is that pearl?” He showed his heart and said, “The Lord Jesus has come into my heart today.” He had stopped by a Christian convention on his way back home and received Jesus Christ in his heart. Thereafter, he shared his testimony with her. Yes! That was the divine blessing that he had received that day which cleansed him and turned him into a messenger for his wife's salvation.

We read about many children of God in the Bible who walked in unpleasant ways and later sought the ways of God. For instance; we can examine the life of Jacob in the Bible. His life was filled with evil deeds such as greed and jealousy but when God choose him as His child, Jacob's life bloomed to exhibit deeds of goodness. God delivers such blessings to everyone, having no partiality. Today, what are we looking to accomplish? Are we looking to fulfil the will of God or satiate ourselves with the pleasures of the world?

"The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever" (1 John 2:17). Have you received such a godly living of togetherness with the Lord? When you receive, you will radiate the light of God in resemblance to Him. The Bible says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:14). Receive a new life and be blessed!


Lord God Almighty! Grant me the grace to understand the greatness of Your Calvary love and be filled by Your divine holiness in my life. In the holy name of our Lord Jesus I pray, Amen

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